Your 2021 Anti-Racism Roadmap

Your anti-racist roadmap for 2021 is about consciousness-raising, accountability, and deepening your commitment to action.

This offering will help you identify five areas of impact where you will brainstorm actions as well as structures of accountability. The questions we are asking during 2021: What are you willing to risk in your anti-racist actions? What are you willing to give up? How will you hold yourself accountable to sustain your work?

We hope this is a useful framework to set some goals for the year--share it far and wide! As always, our deepest learning happens when we’re in connection with one another--may 2021 be an opportunity to build our collective commitments to liberation and community building. 

With gratitude,

Mira Stern and Kate Slater
educators, activists, and aspiring antiracists

PS: you can print this PDF or write directly in the document! Enjoy.


Antiracism: In It For The Long Haul


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